Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The demon

That little sound evokes deepest desires of the heart, and every time it unfurls in my ears, there is a sadness and desperation that takes over me. In spite of however cheerful I could manage to appear, there is this loneliness that always stays in my heart. I can feel it living in my body, in my very spirit, changing forms faster than blink of an eye. I can feel its existence when I hate someone for nothing, when I feel sad when there is every reason to be cheerful, when I feel lonely in maddening herd of friends. And every second that I try to fight it, to win back my happiness, I realize that I am fighting myself. I am fighting a battle with this demon which claims to be me.

The demon sleeps within, and it wakes up without warning. It takes over me. It tells me that I am bad, that I am imperfect. It is my fault for whatever I don't have and it is my punishment to suffer. The lack which created it manifests itself in hatred for others, in guilts and shame for acts where I have played no role. The demon tells me that it is fine to have and nurture my fears, to run away from them, and it is alright to tell lies. It tells to be someone I am not. And when I allow it to grow, it tells me that I don't exist. The existence always belonged to the demon, and I am just a thought image, the shadow which has no independent reality.

But today that demon is getting weak, for the light has been shone on him. It can't stand light of recognition. It rules when it is dark, when you are blind to see that you are not him. But when you realize that this demon is nothing but an unholy accumulation of your guilts and fears, and when you realize that you are are bigger than these petty mistakes of past, this demon begins to die. It vanishes in a flash. And then what remains is pure love for yourself and pride in your existence. That is when you regain your freedom, and win back the happiness which was always yours. That is where virtues are nested and life becomes the the pleasant journey it is supposed to be.

The demon is being defeated. Prepare for celebrations. Prepare for king's arrival in the world.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Invention of the human anatomy

It's been a long time since human invention. God did it once, over a period of time, but now I think someone must attempt the feat again. So here I am in my quest to reinvent the human skeleton system. And I have already started. Here is what I have done till now and what are my further plans :

1. I Figured out the core structure of skeleton system.
2. I invented the human skull
3. I invented the chest cavity, and left it to evolve into a rib cage.
4. I invented the scapula, two of them.
5. I have fitted the scapula on back of the chest cavity, both of them.

1-5 is what I've done till now. Now about my plans from 6-18 :

6. I will invent human spine, and will take a gooood amount of time to do that, so that'll be two points.
7. Still onto the spine.
8. I'll then invent the pelvis.
9. I'll fit the pelvis and link it with the spine.
10. I will then invent femur and fit it on the till completed skeleton.
11. I will go on to make tibia and fibula and put them in their right places.
12. Then I will invent the human foot !!
13. From there, I must invent the clavicle. It will then link scapula and sternum.
14. Humerus must be invented next, in our quest to make the human hand.
15. And of course, it has to be fitted in its right place :)
16. Then will come the time to invent radius & Ulna.
17. And then the human hand !
18. Fitting them all together, we can conclude our invention.

And so will arrive our moment of EUREKA !

Guys, the journey till now has not been easy, and it will pose great challenges as we move on. But with your support and love, and by god's unconditional generosity, I will complete the daunting task.

Thank you guys, I must now get back to work.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The man

The sky is blue this moment, and the next it is crimson red. A luminous battle between the clouds and the darkening sun is just about to begin. Heavens are thundering and lands are prepared to be wounded again by the razor drops. The bleeding sky is being torn apart by unceasing onslaughts of light. The mystified laws which have intrigued us for ages, are being written still. It is the play we just can't understand. What was giving us life a moment ago, is now gasping for final breaths. Nothing is absolute. Nothing is constant. Everything changes. And the change which once brought us into existence, today demands our end.

The violent streaks in the sky give away the secret. They were here for a while but are silently fading, only to return again. This is the cycle which moves everything in the creation. Nobody understands the magic, and nobody cares. Everybody is just too worried about the raging war which will consume last left bits of their lives. There is a vehement battle going up there now, but the previous moment, heavens were in silence. There was peace. The little chattering of the beautiful nature was as serene as the god itself. It was a moment of astral contentment of completeness, where you would float in stillness of deep blue oceans, staring at the stars, and there was nothing that could give you more happiness, nothing could take away what you had.

Yet when the death is near, there is one man who is as contended and as happy. He understands the secret. He understands that death is as essential as the life he cherished, that he is far too big to be broken by it. And it's not the matter of this one death, many more will come. But he understands something that others don't. He is detached from the cycle of life and death, he accepts who he is and that is all he cares about. He is free like the winds, like unvanquished spirits. There is honesty and courage on which an immaculate character stands. There is true love that charges every cell of his body. In his very core he is made up of love. There is nothing that he resists, nothing that he is attached to and nothing that he judges. Life and death bow before him, because he is bigger than both. He is everlasting happiness, everlasting freedom.

The streaks in the sky will fade. The battle up there is all but overture to the peace that is about to follow. A new cycle of life and death is about to begin. He is not here now, but he soon will be.

Nobody understands and nobody cares; but he is the immortal soul of creation, the law of the universe, and the reason why everything is.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pursuit of Peejay-o-logism

And then I held my blog in my arm and breathed into it's nostrils, the breath of life; and it became a living soul yet again. It rested in peace for one year. Many thought it died. But it was only under the watchful eyes of its creator. The creator loves his blogs. He only tests them to the limit of their faith. There might be wait in his bakar temple, but there is no injustice. The Bakar lord is ever generous and loving to his faithful blogs. By his grace, this blog is back to life again.

As the semester began, spirituality happened to me. As the semester ends, I am still trying to reassemble splintered pieces of my life. Spirituality either takes you to god or it rips you apart. I don't know what took me to spiritual path, but generally it is either a tragic incident, 3 idiots and PJs. Tragic incidents you know why. 3 idiots - because it satiates you with 'follow your dreams' pills and following your dream is your pursuit of happiness which turns into pursuit of peace and so on and spirituality follows. PJs on the other hand, are the most beautiful and unadulterated way of god devotion. It is an art, a science, a science so pure that only god is more pristine. You might not believe it. You may even laugh. But friends, I speak truth.

Pjaying, as I believe, is the pursuit of most eternal and rudimentary concerns of man. It is about decrypting human thought in a radical way and inferring ideas from simple expressions that can very well be the science of next age. Sometimes these ideas can be so revolutionary that they are desisted even before they are fully heard. Best ideas can have people making awful faces, stuck in disbelief and their reactions loudly conveying abhor, which can soon turn into banishment for the discoverers. Galilio, for example, was the ultimate PJ cracker of his age. Hated and tormented during lifetime, his PJs acquired cult status within the then-geek community a few years after his demise. It was he who once stood before the pope and said 'Ye mama so fat, she's the center of solar system.' Now it’s exact and pure science and he is the worshipped in all corners of the world. The great devotees are so lost in search of the quintessence, that they enter a state of spiritual orgasm. Randomness that characterizes most fundamental components making up the universe, suddenly becomes a part of their selves. They start renouncing all materialistic pleasures and abate into a state of peace and contentment.

If that is getting too melodic for you to digest, I can also give simple arguments. As I have often being saying that people who can laugh at most pathetic jokes (PJs), can laugh at anything in the world. And if they can laugh at anything in the world, they are better equipped to cruise their way through pain and sufferings, and that too laughing and enjoying. And when that starts happening, they start living their life to the fullest, crossing every barrier they are subjected to and accomplishing impossible all though their lives. Infact, some of the most happiest and greatest people on earth are the ones who have taken refuge in the confines of this great science.

Saying is not believing and doing is believing. Don't care about what I say. Try it yourself. Immerse yourself in the flow of PJs. Start listening to them, start tolerating them, start enjoying them. Lower your standards so much that world starts hating you. Make yourself so pathetic that people despise you. Be so low grade that you become a laughing stock of yourself. And then you will laugh at everything that comes to you. Everything will become a frivolous matter. Forget matter, it won't exist. Everything will be a frivolous spirit. You understand and laugh at the big cosmic joke. You will go mad, but only to the outside world. Inside, you will attain redemption. You will be attain nirvana. You will be one with the god. This is spirituality my friend.

I have given you food for your thought. Now you must chew it, because you must always chew food well before you swallow it. If you don't want to, at least I have wasted 5 minutes of your life. It took me 50 minutes to reach here. Even if 10 of you would read this post, I would have wasted 50 minutes of universal time. That nullifies my time with universal time. We take a whole circle and come back where we started. Big joke, cosmic joke; laugh now ! hahaha ! hahahahahahaha !

GO mad ! hahahahahahaha !