Wednesday, October 21, 2009


It took me a good measurable time to realize that 'Anonymous' was no Greek philosopher, even though his quotes found their way right next to those by Socrates and Aristotle in popular English dailies (Secretly, I still imagine him as a Bald man with loads of beard straying all over his face). Nevertheless, I still value and preserve much of his wisdom I mustered during my school days. He had resolutely emphasized on human relationships and its complexities and why is it so important for us to address them with the attention they demand. Had the Greeks taken some time off writing volumes on astronomy and trigonometry and paid a little heed to what the bald man with loads of beard had to say, they would have actually been worthy of the hype they've left behind for themselves. After all, it is the intricate web of human relations that bonds everyone of us into a society and thus into civilizations which propels our advancement. It's a fabric holding entire humanity together and you don't have to be a great philosopher or a rocket scientist to get the idea. Yet, we continue to be oblivious to the grand scheme of things. We overlook the patterns as if they never existed, as if they are inconsequential. Instead of solving the puzzle, we just keep on complicating it. It's like total chaos all around and as Mr. Anonymous would have sadly pointed out, we are loosing ourselves into it everyday, every moment.

And while the entire mankind seem to be traveling the erroneous path, the brilliant B-Clan (Bakar Community) of R-Land seems to have provided a break. And what a break it is. It has taken the entire place by storm and promises to be the next revolution that can change the world. Take note Mr. Obama, this is what you might want to talk about in your next speech. For all the uninformed, this phenomenon is called Khai-Khai. Veterans call it the holy game (That would be Vidit Agarwal and gang.) The name of this divine game is composed of one word, repeated twice - Khai. Khai is a steep fall leading to a sure end for every thing that goes for it. It may sound dreadful, and the way it is pronounced in iteration sounds more like a childhood game like ghar-ghar and office-office than instilling any significant fear. But the fact is, that it actually embarks on something as fundamental as the harmless emotions that characterize children playing those games with iterative names. It is a simple game which paves way for humans to open up and find where they stand in the labyrinth of life.

It is a game with a hypothetical situation (having dreadful real consequences) and 4 simple rules. The situation is that you are standing with two of your dear ones on the edge of a Khai and circumstances such arise that you are to save one and end your tryst with the other by pushing him down to a painful end (hypothetically of course).The rules are as simple as a boolean expression. 1st, you can't save both of them. 2nd, you can't push both of them. 3rd, You can't jump yourself to avoid an answer and 4th, you can't deny a decision. You have to choose one and you have to do it veraciously. And that's about it. It may sound simple, but you can appreciate the challenge only when you give it a shot yourself. It is an open forum, a battle against yourself. You play with no one else, but just against your own negligence in quest for your own enlightment. The game doesn't end with one question. Questions are thrown on you one after another, with all the permutations and combinations you can think of, ultimately to craft a list of people who matter to you most. The game continues for hours with an unspoken promise to say and hear only truth and nothing else. Even if you try, the game is self-structured to offset any kind of diplomacy and pretense. Layer by layer, every person is unleashed. Hearts are broken, relationships are strengthened, barriers give way to new alliances, just to make some fresh wounds. It is a roller coaster ride that takes you through shock and celebrations, joy and sorrow, love and realization in some of the most defining moments of your life. It reveals who you are and where you stand in the human ecosystem that every individual builds for itself. Khai-Khai lets you evaluate the entire humanity against yourself. It is beyond awesomeness !

Let me construct a small example of how difficult and interesting it can be. Since to ensure everyone understand what we are talking about, I'll replace the characters by important organs. I don't know if I'll be doing justice to the game since it is experimentally found to work best on humans, but you can at least get an idea of what its all about. So here is A playing Khai-Khai with B.

A : Let's play Khai-Khai
B : Sure

A : Okay, choose between right hand and left hand
B : It's a no brainer. Right Hand of course

( Everyone anticipated it. It was his right hand after all !!)

A : Heart or Brain ?
B : ummmm....this one's a little tricky
A : ( Brags a little for framing it)
B : ( After some thinking) Though, I know Brain is more important, but I listen to my heart more. Let it be Heart.

(Many sitting around are shocked. A knew it, as he claims. But Brain can't believe it. He remains silent and try to appear indifferent, but he is shocked to the core. Heart, on the other hand, always knew it. B turns healthier with red cheeks in days that follow !)

A : Aur ab Mudhe ka sawaal. Eyes !!
B : Nooooooooo......
A: Yes....
B : Not this one...I'm not answering this
A: Right eye or left eye ?
B : Shit. I can't answer it. I'm sorry.
A : You don't have that option. You have to answer.
B : But they are both same. Exactly Equal.
A : You have to choose one.
B : This is insane.
A : Just choose one.
B : ( Thinks a lot. He wants to give up, but can''s Khai-Khai after all)
B : Okay ( Eyes on him now. Complete silence)
B: It's......( More eyes follow. Hearts pounding)
B: It's .........I can't do it !! They are both EXACTLY same.
A : That won't do B. Just say it.
B : Okay OKay. Though they are both equal, it's the...left eye.

(There are murmurs in the crowd, faces staring at each other to make sense of the declaration. Right eye is shattered. Left eye tries to maintain decorum, but still find itself boasting with left eyebrow penetrating almost into the forehead).

A : Bhaiya...Macha di !!
A : Now left eye or the heart ?

And it goes on.

So if you want to get a true feel of the powers of Khai-Khai, you have to allow yourself to play it. It'll be full of surprises, sometimes much to your dislike. But you'll resign with content at the end of the day. Inspite of every feeling that goes along with this game, it promises more satisfaction than you could have bargained for, for nothing is more enlightening than the truth itself. It is the game where you want to speak the truth when nothing compels you to, but your own inner self. And since all this is so dynamic, you have to follow it every day with every single person who concerns you and there are people who do that religiously. In fact, sources claim that after an immensely popular and life changing season 1, Khai-Khai has now entered its second season with wider fan following. That is the power of truth. That's the magic and addiction. That's the solution and revolution. And that is the essence of khai-khai, which so beautifully resonates with the purpose of our existence. If you want to understand the meaning and origin of life, stop taking refuge under clueless babas or spending billions on stupid underground accelerators.

Play Khai-Khai and enlighten yourself !!