Sunday, June 29, 2008

How'r u doin ??

Walking past the morning newspaper with my unbrushed teeth, on some morning in springs of '03, I saw a blonde named Jennifer Aniston standing with a Golden globe trophy. It was love at first sight. Very soon, we were kissing each other on a marooned island, secretly making love, away from our half a dozen children, which I had fathered her. Now there was another lady in my life and things were going great, until my mother dragged me back to the world pressing me to brush my teeth and getting prepared for the breakfast, that was already freezing now. Now, she can be very demanding and stubborn at times. I would never mind skipping a breakfast, if that can anyhow help my love life. But I had to heed my creator (and over the years, I found out that the hard way), and before she could snatch the paper out of my hands, I glanced those subtitles which clearly indicated where my destiny lies
'FRIENDS sweetheart bags the Golden globe award.'

And that's how I started poking around F.R.I.E.N.D.S, just because of dear Jennifer. I watched a few episodes, couldn't understand much, except for that some sunaffabich bumbling man named Ross Geller was already having things with Rachael. Now I didn't like that. Seriously. And I didn't like that man too. (However, I forcibly changed my notion about him very soon, as I realized I was being too GUNTHER !!). But that's how I gradually got myself involved in the series. And then before I could realize anything, I was laughing with these guys, crying with them, enjoying with them, and having loads of fun with them. Suddenly I had new friends in my life - Rachael, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Joey and of course, Ross. And that's how slowly I forgot dear Jeniffer and Courtney swapped places with her. I had a crush on Courtney for a very brief period, but it just didn't matter at that time. That won't be a reason enough now, to meet my new friends every night.

I still remember the initial months of my 9th standard. That was about the time I started spending a lot more time with books, as I realized there was no other option than to study my way out through those tougher academic phases. That was the time academics began to suck and I realized I need to spend least an hour or two on the table, everyday, something I had never done before. That was where FRIENDS came in. Everyday, after my regular hitch with the books, FRIENDS at 10 on Zee English was always there for 5 days a week to help me revive the cultural shock the new academics was giving me. It's like an old friend helping through your difficult times. I would talk about the series with my friends later in the classes, but hardly any of them was seeing them at that time ( Of course, all of them are madly in love with the series now!!). But in those tough hours, my folk-fare deprived themselves of one of the greatest proposals of friendship ever designed.

But anyhow, I continued watching the series, and I take pride in announcing that I watched the 9th season live as it went to air in America. It was definitely one of the best seasons and I have seen the entire season in order for 5 times now. That was a good one, but My favorite is the season 7, the season preceding my luckiest number. Take a look at some of the best moments from it.

Now I don't know how actually I can come up with some of the best scenes without doing injustice to the others. There are just so many. There was this story when Ross and Joey were stranded on the apartment roof, and the other one on thanksgiving when Ross couldn't remember all the states. And that one with the Spa in Ross's home, or the one when Ross hits the pole in central Perk while attempting to hit Joey, and he so fantastically ducks. TOW Rosita dies, TOW Joey "accepts" the award on her behalf or TOW Ross comes in as Holiday Armadillo. TOW, TOW, TOW...And then there were those senti ones too. There were just so many, I can't even recollect them now. Mind completely blocked you see. OverLoad !! This series had this amazing ability to take the viewers through a hilarious rides, with emotional turns and then back to the humor track. I guess that's what differentiated it from the other series, and that's why people became really attached to it. 10 years, mind you, is not at all, on any scale, a small time for any series on American Television.

As I said, I watched the 9th season live and was expecting to watch the tenth season again with the Americans,it arrived a little late in India though ( an year late actually). As always, the season was outstanding but the last episodes, the parting of the friends just broke me up. That were the finals of my 11th standard, and I remember that I went into a big depression for about a week or so after watching those last episodes. At that point, it seemed, I had lost someone of my own, forever. It was a feeling I never had before, I had never experienced how it felt to loose someone, and still I couldn't believe it was happening. After all, they were just characters, not in real life, and thousands of miles away from me. Anyways, I felt the ache, and it gradually went away, but it seems I still have lots of feelings for them, especially for ...well..uhmmm...Joey. After my initial stint with the girls, I guess I found my true love in Joey. Yeah !! Not that kindda love you would like to have on a unscathed island, just the kinda love you have with your baby...or your puppy!! Lots of love anyways. So here I conclude, By giving you some of the best joey moments. Laugh and keep smiling and keep saying : How'r U doin ??

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A walk to remember

"first you will smile, and then you will cry --- don't say that you haven't been warned."

I picked up this book while strolling past a book vendor in Cannaught Place. I had decided to buy this book some time back after reading very positive reviews about it on shelfari. And it was just by chance I happen to walk across it. I bought the book for a ridiculous price, a price not very synonymous while shopping with street hucksters. Now, all this should Ideally not be part of a book review, but you know, it's just to give a personal touch and set the tone.

This is what I'll call the most beautiful story I have ever chanced on. No book till date ever bring tears in my eyes. This book almost did, and the emotional fallout of this book was enormous.

This is a love story of a boy Landon Carter. A series of events led him fell in love with a girl named Jamie Sullivan when they both were seventeen and about to graduate from high school. Her father was a minister in the baptist church and the two families never shared a musical history. And the relationship was never cordial between Landon and her father, who had crossed fifty when Jamie was born. Of course he was a very old man when the story was told. Jamie, on the other hand was downright devoted to god. Everything in the world according to her was a part of " Lord's Plan". She lost her mother when she was born and carried her mother's bible all the time with her. She was very sweet with everyone, even animals and helped any, any soul, needy or not. She wasn't the kind of girl that would hang around with friends or chill out some on weekend night. She would rather prefer to spend her free time in an orphanage. Although this made her very popular with the aged population, she was never much liked by her fellow mates, especially boys in the school. Landon on the other hand was a totally normal boy, and tried to maintain distance with her. But events did happen and as they went by, and gradually they both fell in love with each other.

Those were the most beautiful days of their lives as they enjoyed their first love. But destiny takes a turn here. The love and happiness broke into dismay and sorrow. Their lives were about to be changed forever, and it is at this point that tears will start flooding your eyes till the very end of the story. I won't tell you what happened, and how their love finally shaped, but believe me, even if I tell you the entire story, it won't even matter. Because this book is not so much story driven as it is character driven and Nicholas Spark just miraculously weaves those characters and the lives that they live, so much so, that you almost starts to feel a part of them. You will laugh with those characters and cry with them. And even when you put down this book, they will remain within you for a very long time.

All I can say to conclude is that it is a very very beautiful book and no person should ever miss on it. And yes, As you read the book, you'll realize the there had been quite a few attempts back here in India to translate it through various medias, but I'll bet my youth if we could have gone anywhere even near to the emotional grasp of this story. It's just soooo beautiful.

Must Must read it !!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A new post !!

It's just for the sake of it, I'm putting on a new post on my blog. The thing is that, it's not that I haven't been visiting my blog so often. Well I'm not ignoring it. I have written about 4 posts write now which I haven't published yet. As soon as I finish a post, I realize that it would be better that I don't publish it. Not that they are not worth it, it's just some other strange reasons which I can't broadcast, because if I do them, there would be no reason not to publish them. And it's even not that I'm not working on my blog anymore. I do visit it everyday and I'm in constant search of topics to get about them. As soon as something happens, I'll surely put it on the this bakarblog. As most of you don't read my blog ( Note: When I write blog, I write it as if I'm serving to every reach of humanity), you won't care why I'm not doing so. Those who ever even faintly thinks of it, have absolutely not effect in their lives whatsoever( Though I may caution you of the butterfly effect). By this time, if any one of you is reading this, must have realized that this post is an absolute waste of time and digital space and some people have this wonderful ability to keep on talking and talking when there is nothing else left to talk. And I promise you, I could have extended this post to GBs if my lappy wasn't running out of charge. Anyways before I go, some of you wise matter must should acknowledge the title of the blog : The (GREAT) Bakartheory !!!